Apache Ant Tool


Sample package.xml to retrieve Translation for Custom App using Apache ANT Tool in Salesforce

pacakge.xml:    <types>         <members>*</members>         <name>Translations</name>     </types>    <types>        <members>LeadGen</members>        <name>CustomApplication</name>    </types> Using above, we can retrieve the Translation used for the Custom Application "LeadGen". Folder Name will be "translations". Translation will be ....


Deploy the in-app guidance in the Salesforce by creating the package XML

Metadata API entity is Prompt. package.xml:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">    <types>        <members>*</members>        <name>Prompt</name>    </types>    <version>47.0</version></Package> For more info, check https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.222.0.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_prompt.htm 


How to deploy custom metadata type using Apache ANT tool in Salesforce?

Use the below package.xml to deploy custom metadata type using Apache ANT tool in Salesforce. package.xml: <!-- Custom Metadata Type Data -->   <types>       <members>CustomMetadata__mdt.RecordName</members>       <name>CustomMetadata</name>   </types>      <!-- Custom Metadata Type -->   <types>       <members>CustomMetadata</members>       <name>CustomObject</name>   </types>