How to route chats to a different team if the current team is full of capacity in Salesforce?

How to route chats to a different team if the current team is full of capacity in Salesforce?

Fallback Routing can be used to route chats to a different team if the current is full of capacity in Salesforce.

Please check the following implementation. If Team A from Chat Button A is full of capacity or not available, then the chats will be routed to the Team B of Chat Button B.

1. Create Two queues for the two teams.

2. Create two Chat buttons.

Button for Team A:

Button for Team B:

3. Use the fallback routing.

//An array of button IDs, user IDs, or userId_buttonId
embedded_svc.settings.fallbackRouting = [ '5738c000000QrsX', '5738c000000Qrsc' ]; 


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