Drop Additional Skills Time-Out (seconds) in Salesforce Skill-Based Routing

Drop Additional Skills Time-Out (seconds) in Salesforce Skill-Based Routing

Drop Additional Skills Time-Out (seconds) in Salesforce Skill-Based Routing

Drop Additional Skills Time-Out (seconds) in Salesforce Skill-Based Routing is used to set the time(seconds) to elapse before additional skills are dropped from the Omni-Channel routing.

For example, lets take two Skills, SkillA and SkillB are used. Once all the agents with SkillA and SkillB skills are at maximum capacity, Omni-Channel will wait for 120 seconds until it drops the SkillA skill and just look for agents with SkillB skill then assign the record(Chat, Case, Messaging, etc.) to them.

Additional Skills setup in Skills-Based Routing Rules:

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