How to create an Apex Class such that you can create only one object from outside the class in Salesforce?

How to create an Apex Class such that you can create only one object from outside the class in Salesforce?

The Singleton pattern attempts to solve the issue of repeatedly using an object instance, but only allowing to instantiate it once within a single transaction context. So, using Singleton pattern , we can create Salesforce Apex Class to create one object per transaction.

Sample Class:

public class SampleClass {

    private static SampleClass objInstance  = null;
    public String str1;
    public String str2;

    private SampleClass() {
        str1 = 'String1';
        str2 = 'String2';
        System.debug( 'Inside Constructor' );

    public static SampleClass getInstance () {
        if (objInstance  == null) {
            objInstance  = new SampleClass();
        return objInstance ;


To test, execute the following the code:

for ( Integer i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
    SampleClass obj = SampleClass.getInstance();
    System.debug( 'str1 is ' + obj.str1 );
    System.debug( 'str2 is ' + obj.str2 );


In the above example, Constructor was called only once. So, the object was initialised only once.

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